Bitcoin is not anony...

Bitcoin is not anonymous [ENG]

The public image of bitcoin, cultivated by the media, is of the international criminal’s currency of choice – an anonymous, untraceable means of laundering proceeds of crime. This has made for compelling column inches, but the opposite is true.

0 comments Bitcoin akeryw 0

Średnie IQ na mieszk...

Średnie IQ na mieszkańca kraju [ENG]

na czerwono zaznaczone kraje skąd są obecni imigranci

0 comments ciekawostki akeryw 0

How Debian managed the systemd transition [ENG]

Debian's decision to move to systemd as the default init system was a famously contentious (and rather public) debate. Once all the chaos regarding the decision itself had died down, however, it was left to project members to implement the change

0 comments Linux akeryw 0

Moving to FreeBSD [ENG]

Gentoo has the best documentation of any Linux distro I've used, but FreeBSD is on another level. With a copy of the FreeBSD Handbook and the system man pages, I can actually get things done without tabbing over to Google every five minutes.

2 comments BSD akeryw 0

8 comments Pingwiny akeryw 0

Duplikaty w drzewie...

Duplikaty w drzewie binarnym [ENG]

Imagine that we will need to allow insertion of duplicate values in binary search tree. But how do we allow these duplicate values in a binary search tree?

1 comment Informatyka akeryw 0

Stream Performance

Stream Performance [ENG]

0 comments Java akeryw 0

HTTP is obsolete. It's time for the distributed, permanent web [ENG]

Early this year, the Internet Archive put out a call for a distributed web. We heard them loud and clear.

0 comments bit akeryw 0

Gry na Linux chodzą...

Gry na Linux chodzą lepiej niż na Windows... [ENG]

gdy są porządnie przygotowane

0 comments GryLinuxowe akeryw 0