Zamek w Conwy

Zamek w Conwy

Położenie w powiązanych

0 comments FortPorn akerro 1

[Phoronix] Apple Originally Tried To Give GPL'ed LLVM To GCC

Well, a little known fact is that when LLVM was first starting out, Apple tried integrating LLVM changes with GCC but it was rejected by the GCC developers.

0 comments Linux akerro 0

Plucie na Polskę

Plucie na Polskę

Przemyślenia Sthurów

0 comments Polska akerro 0

1961 - Establishment...

1961 - Establishment of the National Reconnaissance Office NRO as a joint Air Force and CIA operation

It designs, builds, and operates the spy satellites of the US, and provides satellite intelligence to several government agencies, particularly signals intelligence (SIGINT), imagery intelligence (IMINT), measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT)

0 comments WyciekiNSA akerro 0

[Phoronix] Apple Originally Tried To Give GPL'ed LLVM To GCC

Well, a little known fact is that when LLVM was first starting out, Apple tried integrating LLVM changes with GCC but it was rejected by the GCC developers.

0 comments Linux akerro 0

Plucie na Polskę

Plucie na Polskę

Przemyślenia Sthurów

0 comments Polska akerro 0

1961 - Establishment...

1961 - Establishment of the National Reconnaissance Office NRO as a joint Air Force and CIA operation

It designs, builds, and operates the spy satellites of the US, and provides satellite intelligence to several government agencies, particularly signals intelligence (SIGINT), imagery intelligence (IMINT), measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT)

0 comments WyciekiNSA akerro 0