Spy Device? One-Way...

Spy Device? One-Way Sound Machine Created

A new device uses spinning air to create one-way sound, where people on one end of a device can hear, but they themselves cannot be heard.

1 comment Prywatnosc akerro livescience.com 0

Do Agile Right [ENG]

There are lots of ways to do agile right. Just make sure you aren't doing it wrong!

0 comments Programujmy akerro atlassian.com 0

Spy Device? One-Way...

Spy Device? One-Way Sound Machine Created

A new device uses spinning air to create one-way sound, where people on one end of a device can hear, but they themselves cannot be heard.

1 comment Prywatnosc akerro livescience.com 0

fixing bugs

fixing bugs

link do tej animacji: Blissful Naughty Asp

0 comments humorInformatyczny akerro gfycat.com 0

Szwecja: kampania sk...

Szwecja: kampania skrajnej lewicy przeciwko flagom narodowym

flaga narodowa jest symbolem państwa narodowego i rasistowskiego, który wyznacza zbędne granice pomiędzy ludźmi „decydując o ich życiu i śmierci”.

0 comments LewackaLogika akerro autonom.pl 0

Licealista masakruje...

Licealista masakruje posłów w Sejmie! Tego się nie spodziewali!

Dominik Feliks, młody człowiek, który wziął udział w organizowanym przez Sejm dniu dziecka, wytknął antyobywatelski charakter III RP "Pragnę Wam powiedzieć, ...

preview 0 comments Polityka akerro youtube.com 0

Not Cool: MPAA Joins...

Not Cool: MPAA Joins The W3C | Techdirt

The W3C has been at the forefront of open standards and an open internet for many years, obviously. So it's somewhat distressing to see it announced this morning that the MPAA has now joined the group. After all, it was not that long ago that...

0 comments Internet akerro techdirt.com 0

Zestaw jednolinijkow...

Zestaw jednolinijkowców, które postawią serwer http [ENG]

perl, python, ruby, php, nodejs, erlang...

preview 0 comments programowanie akerro github.com 0

Zestaw jednolinijkow...

Zestaw jednolinijkowców, które postawią serwer http [ENG]

perl, python, ruby, php, nodejs, erlang...

preview 0 comments programowanie akerro github.com 0

Introducing the getBoxQuads API

Web developers often need to determine where an element has been placed in the page, or more generally, where it is relative to another element. ...

0 comments webdev akerro mozilla.org 0

Not Cool: MPAA Joins...

Not Cool: MPAA Joins The W3C | Techdirt

The W3C has been at the forefront of open standards and an open internet for many years, obviously. So it's somewhat distressing to see it announced this morning that the MPAA has now joined the group. After all, it was not that long ago that...

0 comments Internet akerro techdirt.com 0